Monday, March 26, 2007

Cartoons at the Coast

These characters are also part of the initial sketch for "At Play on the Oregon Coast".


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Thought of you and your paintings today as we went over DECEPTION PASS on our way to Orcas Isl. Nice day and saw a couple of boats out sailing..... we on the the other hands were in and auto.

Michael said...

Hi Nancy, actually I was up in the area last weekend myself for the Skagit County Tulip Festival. I was hoping to get to Orcas Island as well, but just didn't have the time.

Anonymous said...

Do you sell your sketches ... you should!

Michael said...

I never have sold sketches. I suppose I could, but I generally sketch several different unrelated items on a piece of paper and half of the time my sketches are done on something like a napkin with a sharpie. . . Although I suppose I could promote the idea that my sharpie on napkin sketches are "true high art" because they "catch the creative process in its freshest, truest form" or some such nonsense. ;-)