Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Flowers and sunlight

"Roses Along Amelia's Fence " 11" x 30" Watercolor. (Which is also titled "Hey Look I Painted Flowers!")

Its been a long time since I painted flowers. I've painted a few pictures with flowers in them, but haven't just painted flowers for a long time. My guess is the last time I painted or drew such a subject was in high school when no doubt the motivation was to win the heart of a fair young female that I fancied. At any rate I was yet again experimenting for the Quick Draw™ and decided to give roses a shot.


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Very nice... love seeing the flowers above the fence.

Craver Vii said...

These are some fantastic images! Your stuff is brilliant! I already had to pull one of my coworkers over to check it out.

Michael said...

Hey, thanks Nancy and Craver.