I am a watercolorist from the Pacific Northwest. I tend to post painting studies, sketches, photos and occasionally studio pieces in progress. To see my completed work you can visit my watercolor website at www.michaeldavidsorensen.com
Monday, August 21, 2006
Dancing the Argentine Tango to the Light of a '78 Volkswagen

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Painting in Cannon Beach

I will be painting at Haystack Gallery in
2 1/2 weeks ago at soccer I managed to sprain my ankle pretty badly and haven’t been able to walk without crutches or drive since. Today is the first day since then that I’ve been able to start putting weight on my injured foot, so hopefully I’ll be able to walk without crutches by the weekend. I’ve always stood while painting so it’s been a bit tricky learning how to sit and paint the last couple weeks.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Columbia River Gorge

Waterfalls can be seen in the hills across the river, trains traveling up river look like toys nearly 3000 feet below and the fact the little hill next to us is called "Wind Mountain" should have clued me into the fact that I needed to bring a coat to the top. =P (It was quite windy up there. Dog mountain is located right by Hood River, Oregon- the wind surfing capital of the Northwest)

I'm trying to figure out how to drag my easel and watercolors to top of the mountain to do some painting on location, but I'm afraid that may require a pack animal.

Above (from left): Me, Adam and Seth