I’ve been doing some exploring, hiking and sketching in Oregon this month getting ideas for paintings that I’m working on. I will try to post pictures of the paintings in progress here shortly. I really enjoyed camping and hiking in the central Oregon Cascades near Bend, Oregon. It is an especially scenic area of the Northwest and I am looking forward to painting scenes inspired by the area.
Here are a few photos from my recent exploration of Oregon:
Above: Detroit Lake, central Oregon at about 5:15 AM. This was a great place to camp. I camped right next to the lake and had half of the campground to myself. Ducks desided to wake me up by walking right by my tent at 5 AM quacking at the top of their lungs.
Below: Mt Hood from Larch Mountain, Oregon. I did some sketching of Mount Hood from the top of this dormant volcano and currently have a painting in progress from the sketches I did here.
Below: Sahalie Falls in central Oregon drops 120 feet from a ledge created by a lava flow a few thousand years ago.