I did and painting demonstration at Champagne Cove in La Conner, Washington last weekend and as always had a great time (it was 65 degrees and sunny on Saturday so it was pretty hard not to have a great time). Pacific Tides is the largest watercolor I've completed so far and the original (it is unpublished so there are no prints) is now on display at Champagne Cove.
I also go to do some camping while I was up in La Conner. Camping this time of year is the best because not only did I get a camp spot at Deception Pass on a Saturday night without reservations (Which I've heard is Washington state's busiest campground), but I also got the state park campground near Gig Harbor almost completely to myself. That campground has to be about the creepiest campground I've been to. I always get there way late at night night when it's dark and foggy, it's always deserted, it's way out in the boonies, is situated in the midst of a dense rain forest with towering trees and thick underbrush and invariably all sorts of wild creatures decide to start howling/growling/hooting/barking loudly in the middle of the night. (it's the kind of place that you would expect to see Bigfoot) This time some owls decided to get in a brawl directly above my tent at about 1am and did some hooting at the top of their lungs (they can be pretty loud). Overall I thoroughly enjoy the creepy camping experience. :-)